Guestbook Page 3

Drew Black
I remember the first time I found out about Karina's battle. I was sitting towards the back of the gym at Providence Classical Christian School during the end-of-the-year awards ceremony. Mrs. England called Karina to the front, where, in front of everyone, she was recognized for both her academic achievements and her bravery and longsuffering through her illness. I remember asking my Mom about Karina on the way home that day, and learned that she was not expected to live long. I was profoundly amazed. The Doctors had told her that she wouldn't live long, and yet she was relentless in her learning. I couldn't help but wonder if Karina had found some deeper call to learn, to discover, to explore.
The years went by, and I was preparing to graduate from college. All the while, I had been following the updates about Karina on Facebook, while praying for her frequently. Then, on the morning of my graduation, I learned the news that Karina had gone Home. I didn't understand. Here I was, with a conditional job offer, about to graduate from college, looking forward to my life ahead of me, while Karina, one of the bravest, smartest young ladies I knew, was gone.
It took me a little while to understand and wrap my head around it, but one night, as I lit up one of my antique kerosene lanterns in Karina's memory, I looked up to cloudy sky. As the clouds moved across the sky, I saw one star appear. Then another appeared, and then more and more. Sometimes, you can't see the stars for the clouds. But they are there. There are better, more beautiful things and places out there that we can't see or get to from here on earth until we are called to by our Lord. In the meantime, I realized that I had a life ahead of me that I was being called to, and I realized that Karina would want me to live it to the fullest. We all have some time ahead of us on this earth, and we should all live it to the fullest. We know that Karina sure did.
Battling for life while brimming with it
Ever through the pain and strife
To Live and Laugh, Learn, Serve, and Love
Karina exuded the joy of Life.
So with heavy heart, I see her go
Though, I wonder if I might know why,
For she was ready and sanctified,
Only when living aright is one ready to die.
And so, Karina, we'll miss you here
But heaven has gained a Son-blessed soul
And I know we'll meet again one day.
When Heaven and Earth are anew and whole.
Soli Deo Gloria.

Dr. Brian Reemtsen
Brock and Fernette,
I am so very sorry for your loss. I am not an emotional person, but this really hits so very hard. I can honestly say that I have never met a more strong and courageous person than your daughter. She simply amazed me. I feel as though I am a better doctor and person after having the chance to meet Karina and see what a person is truly capable of. I feel the same about your whole family, truly inspiring. If there is anything I can ever do for you please do not hesitate to ask.

Dr Noah Federman
Dear Fernette and Brock,
I am so so sorry for the loss of Karina. I cannot imagine what you are going through. We watched her grow up into an amazing young woman and had fought so hard and I believe her fight was not in vain because she has been an "N of 1" educating all of us.
My sincerest condolences. Please stay in touch and I will keep in touch with you both as well. Noah

Vickie and Katie Adair
Karina expanded the Kingdom of God while on this earth. We will not know how far until we are in heaven with her. To God be the glory -
Vickie and Katie Adair.

Meagan Grotte

Alissa Adornato
All I can say is that Karina was the most thoughtful and courageous person I know. It's amazing that she was able to pack so much living into what little time she had. She always pushed me to step outside my comfort zone, whether it was in Legati Mundi or writing for a Facebook game. She never really seemed to accept the fact that she was dying; she talked about it like it was just a minor inconvenience that should be sorted out soon enough. She often managed to make me forget that she was going through one of the hardest things a person can face.
Karina told me that she was writing a lot more- I didn't realize how much. She promised to show me some, but that was pretty late on. It's almost painful reading them now. I'm glad she managed to leave so many pieces of herself behind, in her writing and in the people she knew. I'd like to imagine that as long as we're still here and her games are still played and her stories are still read, she's not really gone.
I've seen with many people who have difficult trials in life that God gives extra grace to help them get through it. You are no exception. God gave you joy. I always saw it at school when you were at Providence. You never once complained.
I think my favorite memories have to be the ones with Teka. That little puppy lit up your world and you lit up hers.
I'll miss catching up with you at school concerts. Haha that's kinda how we were : ) But I'm so glad you're better now. No more cancer! Love you KK! Meagan