Karina Eide Young Writers Awards
Enjoy reading past years' winners HERE.
2024 Karina Eide Young Writers Award winners to be announced soon!
Article about Karina in Terra Firma, a magazine for Providence Classical Christian School.
It's titled A Life Well Lived
Karina Eide was a remarkable young woman who had a passion for Christ, loved her family and friends, and showed remarkable bravery, compassion, grace, and selflessness in how she lived her life. She was sweet, kind, gentle, and funny, brilliant, yet always compassionate, who was treasured by family and friends. Although Karina was given 6 months to live at the age of 10, she fought bravely against stage IV cancer until the age of 17.
Here's Karina reading the first chapter of a Fan Fiction story that she wrote to her mom.
Read more at these links about Karina's life, faith, passions (especially writing and love of games, her cancer fight, and her fan fiction-inspired cancer stories. Karina was honored posthumously by the
non-profit cancer Clearity Foundation in San Diego.
For other Updates, click HERE. Home page updated March 2024. Friends and family post their reminiscences on Karina's Facebook page. Thank You!

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Karina Eide : A Celebration of Her Life (from her Memorial Service)